Care & Maintenance Tag

Ironing Basics

More than likely, you send your dress shirts to the dry cleaners to be laundered and pressed, but every now and then, you may need to touch up a shirt at home. Here are a few ironing basics to remember: Care Labels-Your clothing's care label (if it's not at the collar, check the lower left side seam) will give care recommendations that are appropriate for the fabric, such as "cool iron" or "do not steam." Using care techniques contrary to the instructions may damage or discolor the fabric. Steam Settings-Adding hot water to your ironing helps smooth out wrinkles at a lower temperature than using a dry iron. Make sure the iron is hot enough that the water turns to steam rather than coming out as droplets. Starch Options-While you want to avoid the unnatural look of a stiffly starched shirt, a little spray starch can do wonders for thick,...

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The Subtleties of Suede Shoes

Back in the day, suede shoes were an Elvis thing, or a fusty-college-professor thing. Suede has come a long way from being blue-or boring. Here are the three C's of selecting and maintaining your suede shoes: Color: For everyday wear, steer clear of novelty shades, and take advantage of the rich, warm tones that suede offers you to create a relaxed, yet elegant, look. Care: Use a waterproof finish and suede eraser to ensure your suede shoes look their best. Brush often. Coordination: Suede works beautifully with fall clothing, including flannel suits, tan trousers, and crisp. ...

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Best Way to Shine Shoes

I received this question from a reader: What's the best way to shine shoes? This is what I shared with them: Start by removing dirt and old polish with shoe cream or cleaning fluid. Remember to scrape out the hard-to-reach spots with a soft toothbrush or a nailbrush. Next, apply a leather conditioner to moisturize the leather, then use a rag to rub in a layer or two of wax. Choose a wax or cream polish that matches your shoes or let the natural tint shine through by using a neutral-colored one. Polish the wax with a brush, then follow with a damp rag for a beautiful "spit shine" look. Between polishes, rub your shoes gently with a clean cloth or brush to maintain the shine....

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Fraying Shirt Cuffs

I received this question from a reader: Why do my shirt cuffs keep fraying? This is what I shared with them: Fraying shirt cuffs is generally due to the shirt rubbing on something: a watch, a desk for those who spend time writing by hand, or a keyboard for those who spend time at the computer. You may want to choose slightly larger cuffs on your shirts, so that the cuff slides easily over the watch instead of getting caught on it. Even a very smooth watch can create friction that will wear on your shirt. When you write or type, lift your arm slightly, or roll your sleeves up first....

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Allowances for New Dress Shirt Shrinkage

I received this question from a reader: How much shrinkage should I allow for when I select new dress shirts? Here's what I shared with them: As your custom tailor, naturally we allow sufficient fabric for shrinkage, so you never have to worry about ending up with a shirt that’s too small. If you still want to know the basics of shrinkage, remember that cotton fabrics will generally shrink more lengthwise (from top to bottom) than across (from side to side). Some shirts may shrink up to half an inch in length. Check that you can fit one to two fingers between your neck and the collar. This allows room for ease in wearing and for any shrinkage. Most shirts will allow plenty of length in the body of the shirt, but make sure the shirt sleeves are long enough to lose half an inch and still reach to your wrist easily....

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Caring for Fine Footwear

Like man’s best friend, if you love your shoes and take good care of them, you’ll be repaid with years of loyal service.  There’s a huge return on a gentleman’s investment in acquiring and caring for a few pair of fine footwear.  While they may not last a lifetime, with proper care and routine maintenance you can log substantial miles and years in a good pair of shoes. Pointers for extending the life of your loafers or beefing up the performance of your brogues: Invest in the best footwear you can afford, and re-sole and re-heel them as necessary, just like routine maintenance on your automobile.  Regular tune-ups and even re-crafting over time will restore and extend the youthful vigor of your favorite shoes.  Acquire and wear the right shoes for each occasion. Always rotate your shoes, allowing at least a day of rest between wearings.   Let them rest on a good pair...

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